By entering the property management business, Capital Square can ensure not only that rents are collected and that properties are well maintained; we can also ensure the resident communities and our team members on site are thriving.
With Capital Square Living, we can build legacies for investors, team members and communities in an even more profound way, while ensuring the highest standards at our properties.
By Fall of 2024,
Capital Square Living will:
Operate in
18 markets
Manage communities
in 25 cities
Be active
in 7 states
“We are multifamily owners who actively develop and operate our properties. As a fully integrated real estate company, Capital Square will increase efficiency; we will do an exceptional job of serving our residents and, in turn, the thousands of Capital Square investors nationwide.”
Louis Rogers, Capital Square founder and co-CEO
Our investor family should be aware that Capital Square Living offers a level of quality control, dedication and across-the-board excellence beyond what could be offered by a third-party manager. With Capital Square Living, we treasure every team member, resident and community like they will be with us forever. And this mission empowers us all.